Day 61: The Power Of Obedience In Abundance

Isaiah 1:19
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.
Obedience to God's instructions unlocks the gates of abundance.
God's abundance is a rule that demands action in addition to being a promise. Obedience is one of the most important elements to gaining access to heavenly wealth. When God offers you instructions, it's for your own welfare rather than His. You have the ability to transition from scarcity to abundance by following His instructions.
According to Isaiah 1:19 in the Bible, obedience results in the prosperity of the land. The term "good" describes the greatest, most exquisite, and most abundant of God's gifts. But since they want to see the blessing before they comply, many Christians find obedience difficult. This goes against the kingdom's ways. Faith in God activates the promises of wealth, and faith is necessary for true obedience.
Examine the tale of the widow who filled vessels with her oil in obedience to the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4:1-7). A miraculous occurrence resulted from her obedience. God's supply enters your life in ways you cannot fathom when you follow His call.
Key to Abundance #2: Obey Natural Laws of Abundance
God has set natural laws that govern prosperity—these laws are in place for every believer to follow. When you align your actions with these laws, you position yourself for increase. These include managing your finances, time, relationships, and thoughts. God will not do for you what He has already equipped you to do.
- Manage your thoughts: Think abundance, not lack.
- Manage your money: Be faithful with the lile, and
God will entrust you with much. - Manage your me: Make wise use of your me.
- Manage your relationships: Surround yourself with
people who will push you toward God's purpose.
Obedience is the path to prosperity. Today, check your life—are you following God's instructions for your abundance?
- Lord, I receive the grace to walk in obedience to Your Word in every area of my life.
- I declare that my obedience will bring forth abundant harvest in Jesus' name.
- Every area of my life where I have been disobedient, I repent and ask for Your mercy Father.
- O Lord, bless me as I follow Your divine instructions for my life's prosperity.
- I command all the blessings of obedience to begin to manifest in my life now, in Jesus name.
Numbers 31-32, Mark 12:25-40